Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services in Franklin County, Ohio: A Comprehensive Guide

Adults (18+) experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis in Franklin County, OH have access to a range of services. Learn more about the resources available.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services in Franklin County, Ohio: A Comprehensive Guide

Adults (18 and older) in Franklin County, Ohio who are facing a mental health or substance abuse crisis have access to a variety of services. The Columbus Mobile Crisis Response Unit is a great resource, as it brings together mental health and substance abuse specialists with a police officer trained in crisis intervention. The Franklin County Department of Public Health (FCPH) also has an online data system that provides reports on drug overdose treatment, outcomes, and prevention. FCPH works with the Franklin County Opioid Action Plan and collaborates with community partners to provide prevention, harm reduction, emergency response, and treatment services. Mental Health America ranks Ohio 38th in the country for adults with a higher prevalence of mental illness and lower rates of access to care.

ADAMH is another great resource for addiction and mental health services for Franklin County residents. The Franklin County Mental Health and Addiction Crisis Center is the first of its kind in the state. OhioHealth supports survivors across the state through the Ohio Sexual Violence Helpline at (84 OHIO). People experiencing a mental health or substance abuse crisis can access care in a warm, welcoming, safe, and appropriate place. OhioHealth provides inpatient and outpatient services throughout the Ohio region for patients with psychiatric disorders and their families. According to authorities, approximately 30,000 mental health episodes are treated each year in Franklin County.

21% of Franklin County's 1.3 million residents experience a mental health emergency each year. ADAMH provides help and hope through a network of more than 30 community partners who provide affordable, quality alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services for the entire family. The Ohio Department of Health has awarded FCPH the prescription drug overdose grant to mitigate the opioid crisis in Franklin County. The OhioHealth Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO) also offers evidence collection exams to survivors of local emergency departments.

Dexter Rusert
Dexter Rusert

Friendly social media practitioner. Proud food fan. Wannabe pop culture nerd. Award-winning tv evangelist. Friendly music scholar. Infuriatingly humble social media fanatic.

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