Finding Resources for Starting a Mutual Aid Group in Franklin County, Ohio

Are you looking for resources to start a mutual aid group related to community services in Franklin County? If so then this article will discuss how you can find out about resources available in Franklin County that can help you get started on your mutual aid group

Finding Resources for Starting a Mutual Aid Group in Franklin County, Ohio

Are you looking for resources to start a mutual aid group related to community services in Franklin County? If so then you have come to the right place! In this article we will discuss how you can find out about resources available in Franklin County that can help you get started on your mutual aid group. First off it is important to understand what mutual aid is all about. Mutual aid is an agreement between two or more people or organizations to provide each other with assistance when needed. This could be anything from providing food or shelter to providing emotional support or financial assistance.

It is important to note that mutual aid does not involve any exchange of money or goods but rather an agreement between two parties to help each other out when needed. Equality Ohio is one organization that can provide information on resources available in Franklin County related to mutual aid groups. They have not investigated these organizations but they can provide information on how to apply for or check medical, food and cash assistance benefits. At Pontiac there is also the COVID Response group which is made up of leaders from several local community organizations such as churches and other agencies in central Oakland County who work together to connect those in need with those who have resources available to meet those needs.

In Monroe County there is also the Monroe County Area Mutual Aid for COVID-19 which allows residents to organize resource sharing and post their needs online. They can be contacted at 614-224-HOME (466). In Southwest Ohio there is also the Southwest Ohio Mutual Aid Forms which aims to create a network of people who can support their neighbors through mutual aid in Dayton and the Miami Valley. In Central Illinois there is also a Google document which details resources available for Champaign Macon Peoria Christian and Sangamon counties related to mutual aid groups.

In Michigan City there is also the OURMC Organized and United Residents of Michigan City which has created a neighborhood response team as well as developed a list of community resources available during the Ohio “Stay in Place” order. In Brown County Indiana there is also the Mutual Aid Brown County (IN) COVID-19 which receives donations for the Brown County Rapid Response Fund as well as maintains the Brown County Indiana Service Industry Venmo List for service workers affected by the stay-at-home order. Vincent de Paul of Brown County is also continuing his pantry service at 2901 Long Lake Road Nashville Monday through Saturday at 10am. The Franklin County Department of Public Health also believes that all children and members of their communities should have access to safe affordable healthy and nutritious food to achieve optimal health.

The Wisconsin Network for Peace Justice and Sustainability has also compiled a frequently updated list of resources for people affected by COVID-19 which contains links to local mutual aid initiatives in Madison Milwaukee Appleton Fennimore Fond du Lac Juneau County Kickapoo Mineral Point Rock County and Vernon County. Community bail funding bystander intervention and COP-Watch are more recent examples where mutual aid strategies are intertwined with public education about the underlying systems of oppression that create the need for a community response. In Detroit metropolitan area there is also the Michigan Mutual Aid Coalition (MIMAC) which offers a home delivery service to people in South Oakland South Macomb and Wayne counties who can't afford food for themselves. A four-page county resource directory is available along with a list of food pantries serving Putman County.

The goal of Franklin County Public Health is to help create great places and spaces that encourage physical activity and also encourage social interactions a sense of community and a sense of safety. Finding resources for starting a mutual aid group in Franklin County, Ohio can be done by researching organizations such as Equality Ohio, Pontiac's COVID Response group, Monroe County Area Mutual Aid, Southwest Ohio Mutual Aid Forms, Central Illinois Google document, OURMC Organized and United Residents of Michigan City, Mutual Aid Brown County (IN) COVID-19, Vincent de Paul of Brown County, Wisconsin Network for Peace Justice and Sustainability, and Michigan Mutual Aid Coalition (MIMAC). These organizations provide information on how to apply for or check medical, food and cash assistance benefits as well as provide links to local mutual aid initiatives in various counties throughout Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Additionally, Franklin County Public Health provides resources on creating great places and spaces that encourage physical activity as well as social interactions, a sense of community, and a sense of safety.

Dexter Rusert
Dexter Rusert

Friendly social media practitioner. Proud food fan. Wannabe pop culture nerd. Award-winning tv evangelist. Friendly music scholar. Infuriatingly humble social media fanatic.

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