Accessing Community Services for Human Trafficking Victims in Franklin County, Ohio

Learn about the programs and organizations that provide support and services to victims of human trafficking in Franklin County, Ohio.

Accessing Community Services for Human Trafficking Victims in Franklin County, Ohio

Human trafficking is a global issue that affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. In Franklin County, Ohio, there are a number of programs and organizations that provide support and services to victims of human trafficking. The Central Ohio Rescue and Restoration Coalition is a collaborative effort to combat human trafficking in Central Ohio. It offers a wide range of services, including law enforcement, case management, housing assistance, financial aid, legal aid, counseling, addiction recovery, workforce development training, employment for survivors, and more.

The ETS Family Care Program provides employment opportunities for advocates of victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. The Ohio Attorney General's Directory of Services for Victims of Human Trafficking is a new resource designed to connect victims and survivors of human trafficking from across the state to much-needed Ohio-specific resources. These include emergency shelters, emergency services, psychological support, legal support, and more. The Family Thrift Store locations in central Ohio provide a range of services to victims of human trafficking. These include residential rehabilitation programs, after-school learning centers for young people to receive mentoring and homework help, Christmas assistance and food boxes, housing and rent assistance, assistance for public services, help for survivors of trafficking, and support services for veterans.

The ETSS also uses telephone interpretation services with access to more than 200 languages. Organizations and programs that provide services to victims of human trafficking must complete a self-assessment of the Ohio Human Trafficking Services Standards before they can be included in the Victim Services Directory. This directory of services from the Ohio Attorney General is not an exhaustive list of organizations that fight trafficking in Ohio. In addition to these programs and organizations that provide direct services to victims of human trafficking in Franklin County, there are also funds available to address emerging needs, gaps in services, and training for victim services advocates. Applications for benefits must be submitted through the local county Department of Labor and Family Services.

The Thirteenth Amendment

abolished slavery in 1865 but the current number of victims of human trafficking is much greater than that of the Atlantic slave trade and that of all the deaths in the wars combined. The Thirteenth Amendment provides hygiene bags, food, and basic clothing to women in the Sullivant Avenue and Linden areas who are trapped in addiction, homelessness, and human trafficking. If you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking in Franklin County or elsewhere in Ohio, there are many resources available to help you access community services.

Visit the website for Family Thrift Store locations in central Ohio or the Ohio Attorney General's Directory of Services for Victims of Human Trafficking for more information on each program.

Dexter Rusert
Dexter Rusert

Friendly social media practitioner. Proud food fan. Wannabe pop culture nerd. Award-winning tv evangelist. Friendly music scholar. Infuriatingly humble social media fanatic.

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