Accessing Community Services for People with Criminal Records in Franklin County, Ohio

Are you a resident of Franklin County with a criminal record looking for ways to access community services? Learn about the various organizations that can help you find the resources you need.

Accessing Community Services for People with Criminal Records in Franklin County, Ohio

Are you a resident of Franklin County, Ohio, with a criminal record looking for ways to access community services? You're not alone. The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Office of Criminal Justice (OhioMHAS) has increased the capacity of the community to provide treatment services and recovery supports for individuals with mental illness and substance use disorders. In addition, the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation is devoted to improving access to justice and making sure that legal aid societies and other resources, programs, and services address the unmet civil legal needs of low-income and underserved Ohioans. The city attorney's office in collaboration with the HCGC's Central Ohio Pathways HUB model has implemented a diversion program to connect people charged with non-violent misdemeanors to community services.

This program is available to all Franklin County residents who live at or below 125% of the federal poverty level. The HUB agencies that provide these services include Franklin County Public Health, Union County Public Health, The Columbus Urban League, The Breathing Association, Wellness First, LLC, CelebrateOne, Physician's CareConnection, PrimaryOne Health, Heart of Ohio Family Health Centers, Ethiopian Tewahedo Social Services-ETSS, and Urban Strategies. Ohio Legal Help is an Ohio Access to Justice Foundation Fellow that uses technology to help Ohioans access civil legal information to resolve civil legal problems. The Foundation also funds legal aid organizations in Ohio and access to justice initiatives such as Ohio Legal Help and Ohio Justice Bus.

The Columbus City Council has created an initiative aimed at expanding employment and housing opportunities for residents of Columbus and Franklin County by sealing their criminal records. This program is available to all Franklin County residents regardless of their income level. If you are a resident of Franklin County, Ohio with a criminal record looking for ways to access community services, there are many options available to you. The city attorney's office in collaboration with the HCGC's Central Ohio Pathways HUB model has implemented a diversion program that connects people charged with non-violent misdemeanors to community services. This program is available to all Franklin County residents who live at or below 125% of the federal poverty level. The HUB agencies that provide these services include Franklin County Public Health, Union County Public Health, The Columbus Urban League, The Breathing Association, Wellness First, LLC, CelebrateOne, Physician's CareConnection, PrimaryOne Health, Heart of Ohio Family Health Centers, Ethiopian Tewahedo Social Services-ETSS, and Urban Strategies.

Additionally, Ohio Legal Help is an Ohio Access to Justice Foundation Fellow that uses technology to help Ohioans access civil legal information to resolve civil legal problems. The Foundation also funds legal aid organizations in Ohio and access to justice initiatives such as Ohio Legal Help and Ohio Justice Bus. Finally, the Columbus City Council has created an initiative aimed at expanding employment and housing opportunities for residents of Columbus and Franklin County by sealing their criminal records. This initiative is available to all Franklin County residents regardless of their income level. If you are a resident of Franklin County with a criminal record looking for ways to access community services there are many options available. With the help of the various organizations mentioned above you can find the resources you need in order to get back on your feet.

Dexter Rusert
Dexter Rusert

Friendly social media practitioner. Proud food fan. Wannabe pop culture nerd. Award-winning tv evangelist. Friendly music scholar. Infuriatingly humble social media fanatic.

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